Sunday, 3 November 2013

Ecological series by Zaria Forman

This artist deserves to be called "a hero of nowadays", because she doesn't simply draw wonderful pictures, but also actively promotes the protection of the environment. She went to the Arctic expedition in order to work on the series of paintings «Chasing the Light». It is an art expedition sailing up the northwest coast of Greenland, retracing the 1869 journey of American painter William Bradford and artistically documenting the rapidly changing arctic landscape. This project was started in August 2012, today we have opportunity to see her amazing pastel images of glaciers - the result of this dangerous journey.

Today, continuing to address climate change in her work, she is working on another project, started in September 2013 in the Maldives, the lowest-lying country in the world, and arguably the most vulnerable to rising sea levels. 

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