Monday, 4 November 2013

Jess and Keegan's collective art

Jess and Keegan are collaborative artists based in Oklahoma City, seeking to translate the world around them through mixed-media art.

The subjects of their paintings resemble the subject of the famous Dali's picture  "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening", where  thoughts, memories, images from the subconscious create a mysterious blend of silhouettes...

They explain their work by saying, “Although we are American-born artists, we like to think of ourselves as location-free travelers of the world. Since we met back in 2004, the artwork we produce draws directly from our shared traveling experiences. We are the product of our own imaginations. 

Living and working in as many places as we can to help feed that part of us which must keep growing. Since the beginning, we have enjoyed new customs, ideas, places, and people. Each of these experiences dramatically alters our concepts of art, seeing, living, and dying. It’s this constant stream of new things that brings understanding and familiarity to our minds".

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